Saturday, June 30, 2007

Apple giving free iPhones to employees

SAN FRANCISCO - GOOD news and bad news for Apple's 18,000 employees: they are all getting free iPhones; but they will have to wait a month to get them.

'We're giving phones to employees at the end of July,' an Apple spokesman said on Friday ahead of the launch of the device, which combines a cell phone, a Web browser and a music and video player.

Chief Executive Steve Jobs announced the gift in a meeting with employees on Thursday. Employees will get the high-end model with 8 gigabytes of storage, worth US$600 (S$919).

'That's the good news. The bad news is that he wants the first wave to go to customers. Employees will probably get their phones at the end of July,' said one Apple staffer who declined to be identified.

The total cost would be more than US$10.8 million if every full-time employee receives one.

Apple did not say if its 2,400 part-time and contract employees would also receive the phones, or if the company would pay the service costs, which range from US$60 to US$100 a month from exclusive provider AT&T.

Rooney given the Number 10 shirt at United

Wayne Rooney will wear the number 10 shirt at Manchester United next season.

The England striker had previously sported number eight on his back, but has revealed his pride at being handed the shirt most famously worn by United legend Denis Law.

ooney, 21, said: 'When I was offered the chance to wear the number 10 shirt I jumped at it. Some of the greatest players have become legends wearing number 10 - none more so than Denis Law.'

Real agree deal with Robben?

Chelsea winger Arjen Robben will be making a transfer worth 20-million-euro (S$41.3 million) to Real Madrid. He is considered to be among Real's top three summer transfer targets

Overview for Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Korea and Hong Kong

MALAYSIA managed to arrest currency woes with capital controls when the baht, rupiah and won keeled over. Using public funds, it bailed out debt-ridden banks and conglomerates. but opportunity for reform was lost until Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi took over in 2003. Even so, results have been mixed, with the government reluctant to take hard decisions. For example, the delay in drafting in a foreign partner for national carmaker Proton (above) deepened the company's problems. Malaysia's current growth rate of about 6 per cent is nowhere near the more than 8 per cent annualised rate it enjoyed for a decade before slipping into its worst ever recession in 1998 when the economy shrank by 7.5 per cent.

THAILAND today has confidence springing from some US$65 billion in foreign currency reserves, a marked contrast to signing up for an emergency IMF loan of US$17 billion during the crisis. The turnaround is apparent in Bangkok, where hundreds of half-constructed skyscrapers were abandoned when the crisis erupted. Today, it has an elevated skytrain, a subway, a new airport (above) and dozens of glitzy malls. But a rise in the baht and political uncertainty caused by last September's military coup have taken a toll. Targeted economic growth rate for this year has been recently revised from 4.4 per cent to 4.5 per cent but is still a far cry from the annualised growth rate of 9 per cent before the crisis.

INDONESIA's economy continues to struggle, weighed down by pervasive corruption and a poor legal system which deter foreign investors. Billions in investment in infrastructure are needed for the economy to grow by more than 7 per cent. Only at this rate of growth can enough jobs be created to put a dent in unemployment of around 12.5 per cent. Economic growth has been ticking along at about 5.5 per cent the last two years, after contracting 13.5 per cent in 1998. Last October Indonesia paid the last instalment of its IMF dues of US$50 billion.

South Korea
SOUTH KOREA, which resorted to a 'humiliating' US$58 billion IMF bailout, has bounced back strongly after it undertook reforms. Seoul made good use of the IMF funds to clean up banks' balance sheets and reform the chaebols. After contracting 7 per cent in 1998, the economy jumped 9.5 per cent in 1999. By August 2001, the country had repaid the IMF.

Hong Kong
HONG KONG: The crash of the Thai baht on July 2, 1997, came just 24 hours after Hong Kong returned to Chinese Communist Party rule. In October that year, billions were wiped off the city's stock market as it fell by nearly a quarter, as lending rates were raised to 300 per cent to fend off speculative attacks on the Hong Kong dollar. Today, assisted in large part by mainland policies that make it easier for cross-border flow of funds and businesses, the territory is back on track, having grown by over 7.5 per cent annually in each of the past three years. It is a long haul from 1998, when GDP contracted 5.1 per cent.

The Wait Is Over

Surrounded by cheering Apple Store employees, one of the first buyers leaves a New York store with his new iPhone.

LONG-AWAITED GEM: An ecstatic buyer leaves an Apple store in New York with his brand new iPhones. More than just a phone, this 'breakthrough' device also has a Web browser and media player.

搶德士司機.挑釁警威 匪刻字罵警方 “bodoh”

(新山30日訊)狂匪打搶復毆傷德土司機后,還使用刀子在車頭引擎蓋刻下“poli(s) bodoh”(警方笨蛋)的字眼,公然挑釁警方威信!


司機脫綁後,翌日早晨在警局報案時,才發現其德士車頭有一個洞孔,還有人以利器刻下少了一個“s”字母的“poli bodoh”(警方笨蛋),司機相信這是匪徒離去前的“精心傑作”。

Friday, June 29, 2007

Americans breathlessly await debut of trendy Apple iPhone

WASHINGTON : Apple was making final preparations on Thursday for the release of its much-anticipated iPhone, a new device putting phone, web browser and music player into one, and in the palm of the hand. 

The eagerly anticipated debut of the device on Friday is expected to be yet another likely triumph for the Cupertino, California-based Apple - a company with a knack for creating chic gadgets that consumers are willing to pay premium prices for. 

Marketing expert Britt Beemer, chairman of the American Research Institute, said iPhone frenzy is "one of the biggest buzz of these last years." 

Steve Jobs, Apple's chief executive officer, in January unveiled the glitzy gadget as "a revolutionary and magical product that is literally five years ahead of any other mobile phone." 

Jobs added that within a year the company hopes to claim a one percent share of the worldwide market of one billion mobile phones. 

That ambitious goal could be achievable, judging from public interest. The frenzy surrounding the rollout is expected to prompt would-be owners to camp out in front of stores stocking the iPhone. 

Some 230 million Americans already carry a cell phone, but Apple is banking that a handheld portable stereo that also can make calls will convince them to abandon their current phones and buy an iPod. 

Even the steep price of 499 dollars for the four-gigabyte model iPhone and 599 dollars for the eight-gigabyte model - roughly five times the cost of a conventional phone - is not expected to dampen consumer interest. 

Although it brings together several portable technologies - mobile phone, camera, web browser, music and video player - the pocket-sized gizmo has no mechanical keyboard and allows almost all controls to be handled by touching a finger on the unit's screen. 

Apple itself will sell the iPhone at its 170 Apple Stores, and ATT, which is providing the phone service, will also stock the phones. Buyers also will be obligated to sign up for a two-year phone contract with ATT. 

The launch comes as Apple continues to bask in the glow of its phenomenally successful iPod. The company recently marked the sale of its 100 millionth personal music devices, making it, in Apple's words, the "fastest-selling music player in history." 

Meanwhile, Apple announced last week that YouTube videos will stream directly to iPhones so that users of the soon-to-be launched devices can watch video clips on the device's 3.5-inch (8.89 centimetre) screen 

Analysts are divided on whether the Apple's "smart" mobile phone will be an industry-changing device or be too expensive to compete with other smart phones such as the BlackBerry. 

On its website, Apple said the iPhone will include "a revolutionary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod with touch controls, and a breakthrough Internet communications device." It will also include a two-megapixel digital camera. 

The iPhone is to debut in Europe by the end of this year and in Asia in 2008.

Man Utd's Anderson granted work permit

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Singapore's richest men getting richer: Forbes

SINGAPORE: Singapore's richest men are getting richer. 

According to Forbes' Billionaires List, the country's most wealthy man, Ng Teng Fong, is now worth US$6.1 billion compared to the US$3.8 billion last year. 

The founder of Far East Organisation is ranked 118th in the world rankings - up 56 positions from the previous year. 

Singapore's second richest is Wee Cho Yaw of United Overseas Bank with US$4.7 billion. 

This is nearly double his US$2.4 billion worth of assets last year when he was the third wealthiest in the country. 

He is ranked 167th on the Forbes list. 

Trailing close behind is hotelier Kwek Leng Beng with US$4.3 billion, up from US$3.6 billion last year. 

A newcomer from Singapore to the club is Yanlord Land's Zhong Shen Jian with US$1.7 billion. 

Mr Zhong was born in China but has now taken up Singapore citizenship. 

Meanwhile, OCBC's Lee Seng Wee has exited the list, due to a distribution in wealth. 

Overall, Microsoft's Bill Gates remains the richest man on earth, for the 13th straight year, with a net worth of US$56 billion. 

The total number of billionaires worldwide rose by 153 over the past year to a record 946. 

Their combined wealth grew 35 per cent to US$3.5 trillion. 

This follows a year of strong equity and real estate markets and rising commodity prices.

Malaysia's 40 Richest

Shiok, the Malay word for fantastic, is an apt word to describe the past 12 months for Malaysia's 40 Richest. 

It has been a remarkably good year for nearly everyone on our second annual list, thanks to the nation's thriving economy, which has been helped by recent government moves to reduce taxes. The stock market is up more than 20% to date, making it the third-best-performing market in Asia behind China and Vietnam. 

Slideshow: The Richest Malaysians

Slideshow: The Best Public Companies in Malaysia

Slideshow: Billionaire Women We Envy

Slideshow: The World's Billionaires

Slideshow: The Youngest Billionaires

At least 75% of the public companies held by these tycoons are worth more than last year. The nation's 40 richest business people are worth a collective $43 billion, up from $26 billion last year. 

Robert Kuok remains Malaysia's richest, worth $7.6 billion. Just $200 million behind him is No. 2 Ananda Krishnan, who made headlines in May when he announced plans to take his telecom company, Maxis, private in a $5 billion deal.

Malaysia's ten richest still control the bulk of the list's wealth, worth $35 billion, up 63% from the previous year. But the individuals lower in the ranks are doing well, too. 

Last year a dozen people were worth less than $100 million; the minimum net worth was $65 million. This year no one is worth less than $127 million. 

Eight of the rich listers are newcomers, most put there by recent offerings or dramatic gains in public holdings. 

Mokhzani Mahathir, son of the former prime minister, joins the ranks after taking his energy company Kencana public in December. Seri Eleena Raja Azlan Shah becomes the list's second woman, thanks to her shareholding in thriving construction firm Gamuda, up 90% in the past year. 

The richest newcomer is Singapore resident Ong Beng Seng, the tireless dealmaker who just recently persuaded Formula One's Bernie Ecclestone to hold a Grand Prix-style race on the streets of Singapore, most probably at night, a world's first. 

Even most dropoffs from last year's rankings have little reason to pout. Former head of Multi-Purpose Holdings, Lim Thian Kiat, saw his net worth rise $31 million to $126 million. Not bad, but not enough to make the cut. 

For people with publicly traded fortunes, net worths were calculated using share prices and exchange rates from May 11. For privately held fortunes we estimated what companies and assets were worth if public. 

5 "dont's" when you are sleeping

Watches can emit a certain level of radioactivity. Though small, but if youwear your watch to bed for a long time, it might have adverse effects on your health.

Scientists in America have discovered those that wear bras for more than 12 hours have a higher risk of getting breast cancer. So go to bed without it.

Putting the phone beside your bed or anywhere near you is not encouraged. Though some of us will use phones as alarm clocks, but please put the phone as far as possible. Scientists have proved that electrical items including mobile phone and television sets emit magnetic waves when used. These waves can cause disruptions to our nervous system. Therefore if you need to put your mobile phone near you, switch it off first.

People who sleep with make up might have skin problems in the long run. Sleeping with make up will cause the skin to have difficulty in breathing and problem in perspiring You will also need a much longer time to go into deep sleep.

You may never wake up again!

The Hulk?

Cappadocia, Turkey

BackyardPool, BoraBora, FrenchPolynesia

Singapore, India, Indonesia, Russia produced the most new millionaires

PARIS - The number of millionaires in the world increased by 8.3 percent in 2006, with about 9.5 million individuals now estimated to have more than a million dollars in financial assets, a report said Wednesday. 

The survey by financial services group Capgemini and US investment bank Merrill Lynch said strong global economic growth and gains on the stock market explained the expansion of the exclusive club of "High Net Worth Individuals" (HNWIs). 

The financial assets owned by the group totalled 37.2 trillion dollars (27.7 trillion euros), an increase of 11.4 percent from 2005, with Singapore, India, Indonesia and Russia producing the greatest number of new millionaires. 

"Real GDP and market capitalisation growth rates, two primary drivers of wealth generation, accelerated throughout 2006, which helped to increase the total number of HNWIs around the world as well as the amount of wealth they control," the report said. 

The number of Ultra-HNWIs -- individuals with financial assets exceeding 30 million dollars -- increased by 11.3 percent in 2006, with the global population of this extremely affluent group now estimated at 94,970 people. 

The financial assets of Ultra-HNWIs increased by 16.8 percent compared with 2005, illustrating a trend whereby wealth is increasingly concentrated in the hands of the already wealthy, the report said. 

"Global wealth continued to consolidate in 2006, a trend we have reported for the past 11 years," the report said. 

Capgemini and Merrill Lynch define a millionaire as someone with more than one million dollars in financial assets such as cash, equities, bonds or funds. 

They do not include the value of an individual's primary residence or private collections of objects such as art, antiques or coins. 

This year's report included a section looking at the money spent by millionaires on so-called "investments of passion," meaning investments in luxury goods. 

More than a quarter of such investments were in private jets, sports teams, yachts or race horses, with the remainder in art, fine wine and jewelry. 

"On average, art investments comprised 20 percent of HNWIs' investments of passion -- outlays that were dwarfed by the huge prices paid for private aircraft and yachts," the report said. 

The survey also highlighted a trend among millionaire investors to put money into the real estate market in 2006, particularly commercial real estate, to take advantage of surging rental and property prices. 

"In 2006, HNWIs overall shifted their allocations from 'alternative investments' ... to seek high returns from real estate opportunities." 

This was likely to be be a short-term, tactical move, however, "rather than a long-term asset allocation shift." 

For the future, Capgemini and Merrill Lynch predicted a slowdown in the global economy this year but an increase in the wealth of the world's super-rich of about 6.7 percent. 

The collective fortune of the HNWI population is forecast to hit 51.6 trillion dollars in 2011, compared with 37.2 trillion last year

Champion Capello sacked

'Torres not indispensable'

Should I stay or should I go?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wahaha to sue Danone for 5b euros

SHANGHAI : China's largest drink maker, Wahaha Group confirmed Tuesday it intends to sue its French partner Groupe Danone for up to five billion euros (6.7 billion dollars) for conducting illegal business. 

"We will countersue Danone, asking for two to five billion euros in damages," the company said. 

"We have reliable evidence of their violations and will pursue their illegal activities according to the law," read the statement first issued on Monday. 

It did not specify where or when Hangzhou-based Wahaha would sue the French firm it has partnered with since 1996, but company spokesman Shan Qining on Tuesday acknowledged the plan, declining further comment. 

Danone and Wahaha are in the midst of bitter feud, in which the French firmed has alleged the Chinese drinks giants set up 20 independent companies and selling products identical to those sold by the joint ventures. 

Danone, which owns 51-percent stakes in 39 joint ventures with Wahaha, has demanded a 51-percent stake in the non-joint venture companies, which Wahaha Group's chairman Zong Qinghou has rejected. 


Want to be Ronaldo?



Monday, June 25, 2007

'Blog', 'cookie', 'wiki' top list of hated Internet words: poll

LONDON: "Blog", "netiquette", "cookie" and "wiki" have been voted among the most irritating words spawned by the Internet, according to the results of a poll published Thursday.

Topping the list of words most likely to make web users "wince, shudder or want to bang your head on the keyboard" was folksonomy, a term for a web classification system.

"Blogosphere", the collective name for blogs or online journals, was second; "blog" itself was third; "netiquette", or Internet etiquette, came fourth and "blook", a book based on a blog, was fifth.

"Cookie", a file sent to a user's computer after they visit a website, came in ninth, while "wiki", a collaborative website edited by its readers, was tenth.

British pollsters YouGov questioned 2,091 adults earlier this month for the poll commissioned by the Lulu Blooker Prize, a literary award for books, which released the results in a statement.

Earlier this month, the growing use of words inspired by cyberspace was highlighted when the Collins English Dictionary announced that a string of them would be included in their ninth edition.

These included "me-media", a term for personal content websites such as Facebook, and "godcast", a religious service which has been converted to an MP3 format.

The dictionary's compilers monitor the use of English through a 2.5 billion word database of websites, magazines, books, journals, newspapers and broadcast transcripts to help them decide if new words should be included.

Henry has Barcelona medical

Sunday, June 24, 2007

World Tower - Chapter 10

Location : Tokyo Japan
Height : 600 Meters
Floors :
To Be Completed : 2007

Henry: 'Barca play the Arsenal way'

World Tower - Chapther 9

Location : Guangzhou, Shanghai China
Height : 514.8 Meters
Floors : 131
To Be Completed : 2010





Saturday, June 23, 2007













'垃圾': 收費合理 丟超量垃圾要付錢






Henry for Barca?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

New age town in U.S. embraces dollar alternative

BerkShares, a currency adopted by towns in western Massachusetts to support locally owned businesses over national chains, is seen in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, June 4, 2007

Kevin Garnett: I want out too...

Born: May 19, 1976
Height: 6-11' /  211cm
Weight: 253 lbs. / 114,8 kg.
High School : Farragut Academy HS (IL)
Years Pro: 11

HTW S116

size:110 * 52 * 18.5
摄 像:130万像素,数字变焦,高清晰数码摄像头
多 媒 体:MP3+视频播放,
铃 声:支持MP3铃声
VIP用户:10 个用户
黑 名 单:255个记录
短信数量:1000 条

1、 独有的单向强效增透设计

2、 独创特种聚光平面光学透镜

3、 高效的微光电转换子模块设计

4、 低功耗智能动态调节系统

The World's First Solar Cell Phone

We've seen the prototypes and heard the speculation for years now, but here we have it, the world's first solar cell phone, and you can buy one right now...if you happen to live in China.

HiTech Wealth telecommunications has just begun selling the S116 and the specs are pretty impressive. However, the $510 pricetag will have you wondering why you don't just get an iPhone. A 1.3 mpx camera, and an MP3 player are fairly standard additions to cell phones these days, but the solar panels do make this guy stand out.

The panels trickle-charge the battery in any amount of light, including indoors (or even by candlelight), and the battery life is 2.5 times longer than it would be without the panels. An hour of direct sunlight will give users 40 extra minutes of talk time.

While this first model is pretty exciting, HiTech Wealth will be releasing six more solar phones within the year and has promised 30 solar models before 2009.

Beckham still to join Galaxy?

"L.A. Galaxy.....I'm coming!"

"Real Madrid.....I'm surrender!"

Tallest Living Man

Bao Xishun, 56, a 2.36-metre (seven feet, nine inches) herdsman listed by the Guinness World Records as the tallest living man, walks with his bride, Xia Shujuan, 29, a mere 1.68 metres (five feet, five inches), in Chifeng, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region June 8, 2007. The couple were married in March but will hold a wedding ceremony in July.

World's Most Priciest City.....Moscow

NEW YORK - Moscow is the world's most expensive city for the second year in a row, thanks to an appreciating ruble and rising housing costs, a new survey reports. 

The cost of living for expatriates in the Russian capital is nearly 35 percent higher than in New York, which served as the base city for the survey released Monday.

London, estimated at 26 percent more expensive than New York, climbed three spots to second place on a strengthening British pound and steep rental prices.

South Korea's Seoul ranked third, followed closely by Tokyo at No. 4.

The survey by Mercer Human Resource Consulting ranked 143 cities around the world, measuring the comparative cost of more than 200 areas such as housing, transportation and food. The findings are designed to help multinational employers determine compensation for their expatriate workers.

In Moscow, a luxury two-bedroom apartment will cost an expat $4,000 a month; a CD rings up at $24.83; one copy of an international daily newspaper is $6.30; and a fast-food hamburger meal totals $4.80.

A strengthening euro boosted 30 European cities to top spots on the 2007 list — Copenhagen, Geneva, Zurich and Oslo, respectively, placed among the top 10.

Eight Asian cities made the top 50, though Taipei, Taiwan, plunged 20 places to No. 48.

New York and Los Angeles were the only two North American cities to rank among the highest 50, though both fell in the rankings due to a depreciating U.S. dollar, Mercer reported.

The Big Apple dropped five places to No. 15, while Los Angeles fell to No. 42 from No. 29 in 2006.

Ranking as the least expensive city for the fifth year in a row was Paraguay's capital of Asuncion, where the cost of living is half that of New York, Mercer estimated.

European Golden Boot.....Francesco Totti

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ritek Health Board

Dengue reaches epidemic levels with 401 cases reported last week

SINGAPORE: Dengue cases in Singapore have reached epidemic levels with 401 cases reported last week. 

This is the highest weekly figure so far this year – up more than one third from the week before. 

A total of 2,868 cases have been reported in the first 24 weeks of this year, more than double the 1,392 cases in the same period last year. 

The National Environment Agency (NEA) has stepped up its checks, especially on homes, and 171,022 inspections were carried out in May. 

In the first 23 weeks of the year, 2,354 breeding habitats were discovered in homes, which is 87 percent more than the same period last year. 

More than half of the 500 environmental health officers are tackling dengue transmission in the current 77 clusters. 


The Vietnamese economy is enjoying one of the most sustained growth in the Asian area. Annual GDP growth rate was 7.2% in 2003, 7.5% in 2004 and 2005.

Despite a regular rise in the standards of living, Vietnam's economic situation still remains difficult with an approximate annual per capita revenue of 400 USD.

Initiated by the authorities, the Vietnamese economy is trying to progressively move from a centralised and planned economy to a multi-sector economy based on market mechanisms. The private sector has been racing ahead over the last few years.

Agriculture's sector provides one fourth of the GDP and employs 75% of the active population. Rice, coffee, tea and pepper are the main crops.

Vietnam is the world's fifth largest rice producer and one of the largest exporters. Fruits and vegetables growing is developing. Fishing employs 700,000 people and ranks third regarding the country's exports. Vietnam holds mining natural resources such as coal, tin, phosphates or copper. Oil production is rising, but the first oil refinery in Dung Quat which was supposed to be ready for 2005 is behind schedule in its construction. Textile, industry and building sectors are the driving forces of the economic development.

Foreign investments amount to 4% of the GDP and the main investing countries are Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Vietnam is a member of ASEAN and APEC. It has started procedures to ask for WTO accession. A cooperation agreement was signed in 1996 and regulates relations between EU and Vietnam.

The country's top three export partners are Japan, China and Australia. The main exported products are crude oil, textile, sea products and rice. Its top three import partners are Singapore, Japan and Malaysia. The main imported products are capital goods, hydrocarbons and textile products.

Funny Business

A man is opening a restaurant and he asks one of his workers to come up with a name for it.

The man tells Al, one of his workers, that he will name the resaurant after the first thing Al sees when he goes out the door.

Al walks outside and the first thing he saw was a girl named Lucy and he saw her legs. He told the man, and so the restaurant was named Lucy's Legs. The man was so impressed that he said the next day Al could get a free drink.

The next day Al comes a bit early and a policeman walks by and notices Al waiting there. The policeman asks, "What are you doing?"

Al says, "I'm waiting for Lucy's legs to open so I can get a drink."

Poker Animal

Q: What animal should you never play cards with?

A: A cheetah!

A little boy was lost at a large shopping mall

A little boy was lost at a large shopping mall. He approached a uniformed policeman and said, "I've lost my dad!" 

The cop asked, "What's he like?" 

The little boy replied, "Beer and women with big boobs."

Kobe: Good Buy or Good Bye?